For Therapists

Helping people with their psychological challenges is a meaningful endeavor with serious responsibilities. It has been an accepted wisdom in our field that consulting with colleagues is an invaluable aspect of our work, and that this is true at all levels of experience.

Diagnostic Consultation

It is not unusual, in fact necessary, to revise one’s impressions of the patient’s presentation as the work progresses. On occasion, concerns emerge regarding the possibility of medical/neurological etiology of the symptoms. Also, a therapist is sometimes faced with the worry that a more severe psychiatric illness has been hiding in the shadows of a functional clinical picture. In those circumstances, it is often useful to get an opinion from a colleague who is familiar with therapy, psychiatry, and internal medicine. Dr. Bonner works with therapists to evaluate if there is a need for the patient to come for a diagnostic evaluation, and follows up if an evaluation is indicated. This can be a one-time consultation or an ongoing collaboration, depending on the demands of the situation and the wishes of the patient and the referring therapist.

Medication Consultation

The task of prescribing medications is a sophisticated but straightforward endeavor. By itself, it rarely causes significant challenges. The craft becomes more intricate when a patient is in treatment with another therapist, and the prescriber is the second clinician on the treatment scene. To guide intelligent psychopharmacological strategy, it is necessary to assess the psychological aspects of the patient’s presentation without interfering with their established psychotherapy. Dr. Bonner’s training in psychiatry, anesthesiology, and psychoanalysis allows her to provide the necessary pharmacological expertise while safeguarding the centrality of therapy.


Across the professional life span, we consult with colleagues, so that patients can have the benefits of both the expertise and the groundedness of their therapists. Sometimes this takes the form of an occasional consultation, other times—ongoing in-depth supervision of one or several cases. Dr. Bonner helps colleagues establish or hone their therapeutic style while delivering competent and compassionate care. Calm, stable and intelligent presence is an important aspect of every clinician’s approach, and it can be strengthened by an ongoing professional connection.

Mentoring for Professional Writing

Whether it’s case reports, article submissions for peer-reviewed journals, or grand rounds presentations—it’s important to find engaging ways to present one’s thoughts while staying faithful to the rigorous professional criteria of contemporary practice. Sometimes the resultant pressures leave writers feeling constrained: either unable to generate ideas, or revising the material so much that it never feels ready. Or—the most familiar worry of all—not being able to find time to write. A mentoring conversation can loosen the constraints, and colleagues can establish or re-establish their creative practices. Discussing ideas, structuring the write-up, working with precision of word choice or intricacies of sentence construction can be useful for a specific project, as well as for improving writing skills for the rest of one’s career.